How To Place a New Order?
In The Field Category, Select The Type Of Category from the Drop-Down List.
In The Field Service, Select the type of services from the Drop-Down List.
In The Field Link, Fill the link to the page in the format.
In The Field Quantity, Fill the needed quantity of Likes / Followers (1k is Written as 1000).
What is Partially Completed Status?
If status Partially completed it means system cant give more Likes / Followers to current page and money automatically refunded for remains Likes / Followers.
What is Mass Order?
Mass order is used for when you want to enter several orders for different links at the same time, to do this, you should enter orders in this format:
Service ID | URL | Quantity
For example, Instagram Followers English has the service ID - 30
30| user1 |1000
30| user2 |5000
30| user3 |3000
The service IDs can be found here -
What is Refill?
Some social media platforms perform updates every few weeks or months to remove inactive accounts, this might cause some numbers to drop, all you need tto do if that happens is open up a ticket with your order ID and we will refill if free of charge if it falls during the refill period.
I Entered The Wrong Username or Wish To Cancel an Order After Entry?
How Much Time It Will Take For My Order To Be Completed ?
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